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About Us

Building Self-Esteem and Wellbeing


  • Foster an unwavering team spirit, especially during challenging times.
  • Regularly celebrate staff successes.
  • Promote open communication channels between senior leaders, governors, and staff.
  • Assign Mental Health Champions to schools to spearhead mental wellbeing initiatives.
  • Equip staff with essential knowledge and training on mental health.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Regularly communicate the importance of mental health and available resources.


In keeping with our foundational vision of 'Life, Love, and Learning to the Full,' at TEAM Multi-Academy Trust, we dedicate ourselves to the nurturing of self-esteem and mental wellbeing for all our staff members. Our approach is to cultivate an indomitable team spirit, recognising that our collective resilience shines brightest in the face of adversity. We take every opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our staff, acknowledging the hard work and dedication that contributes to our shared success.

We understand that open, honest communication is the bedrock of trust and wellbeing; therefore, we encourage regular dialogues among our senior leaders, governors, and staff. Central to our wellbeing strategy is the role of Mental Health Champions, who are tasked with promoting and leading mental health initiatives across our schools. They stand as beacons of support, embodying our commitment to care for each other in our professional community.

Additionally, we believe in empowering our staff with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their own mental health effectively. Through comprehensive training and ongoing awareness campaigns, we highlight the importance of mental wellbeing and ensure that every staff member has access to the resources they need to thrive. Our commitment to building self-esteem and mental wellbeing is integral to living a full life, fostering love within our teams, and ensuring our learning environments are as supportive and nurturing as they can be.